Hello! How is everyone doing? I'm Katya! I'm here to compare renewable energy resources with nonrenewable energy resources. I'm going to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using either type of energy resource. My main focus is its impact on the environment as well as its efficiency. In the end, maybe you can decide which you think is better.
Nonrenewable Energy Resources
Firstly, let's start off with non-renewable energy resources! So, what are nonrenewable energy resources? Nonrenewable energy originates from a natural source that cannot be replenished. Well, it can be replenished, but that will take millions upon millions of years. This is the reason why it is called 'nonrenewable': after its use, we aren't able to reuse it again. Most non-renewable energy comes from fossil fuels. Fossil fuel is a resource that comes from the decomposition of fossils. There are three main types of fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas. The types of fossil fuels formed depend on organic matter, temperature, time, and pressure conditions.
Fossil fuels are the most commonly used energy resource as of now. A survey conducted in the USA showed that 60% of energy generation comes from non-renewable energy as of 2022. The reason why fossil fuels are dominating the energy industry is because they produce an incredible amount of energy.
However, its efficiency comes at a cost. The burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the Earth's atmosphere. These greenhouse gases can be detrimental to the wellbeing of the Earth and us. Fossil fuels can lead to global warming because greenhouse gases absorb the sun's heat and trap it in our atmosphere, heating up the Earth in the process. This process is known as the 'greenhouse effect'. Severe droughts, economic failure, rising sea levels, failing crops, and extreme weather are all consequences of global warming.
Renewable Energy Resources
Now, let's move on to renewable energy! Renewable energy resources are the opposite of nonrenewable energy. They originate from natural resources, which can be constantly replenished. This includes solar, wind, and hydroelectric energy.
Renewable energy is more eco-friendly and can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere, thus reducing air pollution. Another benefit of renewable energy is improved public health. This is because air pollution is linked to many respiratory problems, such as asthma. The reduction of air pollution can rapidly decrease the symptoms of respiratory irritation. On the downside, it is not as efficient as fossil fuels for energy generation.
The usage of renewable energy has been slowly increasing due to increased awareness about global warming. In the USA, around 21% of energy generation came from renewable energy as of 2022. Governments from all around the world have been trying to invest more in renewable energy to fight against global warming. Despite this, fossil fuels are still the most popular energy resource.
To sum up, nonrenewable energy is a great source of energy when it comes to efficiency and energy generation. However, the resource is not sustainable, and it is a huge cause of global warming. On the other hand, renewable energy resources are an alternative to fossil fuels, which are more environmentally safe but less efficient. Currently, it is not possible to completely switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy. However, in the years to come, renewable energy will become more commonly used as awareness increases or an efficient renewable energy resource is found that can compete with fossil fuels. So, which one do you think is better? Renewable or nonrenewable? It's up to you to make that decision. Thank you for reading!