I would like to share with you some YouTube channels that explore various topics in an informative and entertaining way!
MinuteEarth MinuteEarth - YouTube
MinutePhysics minutephysics - YouTube
TED-Ed TED-Ed - YouTube
In a Nutshell Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell - YouTube
SciShow SciShow - YouTube
Vsauce Vsauce - YouTube
Veritasium Veritasium - YouTube
Numberphile Numberphile - YouTube
Mathologer Mathologer - YouTube
Math Antics mathantics - YouTube
MindYourDecisions MindYourDecisions - YouTube
Computerphile Computerphile - YouTube
The Verge The Verge - YouTube
The New Boston thenewboston - YouTube
Engineer4Free Engineer4Free - YouTube
Practical Engineering Practical Engineering - YouTube
Real Engineering Real Engineering - YouTube
Learn Engineering Learn Engineering - YouTube
Social Sciences
Smithsonian Channel Smithsonian Channel - YouTube
The School of Life The School of Life - YouTube
Brain Craft BrainCraft - YouTube
Wisecrack Wisecrack - YouTube
PBS Idea Channel PBS Idea Channel - YouTube
Philosophy Tube Philosophy Tube - YouTube